fox and birds

I finished this tattoo a while ago but haven’t posted it because I was waiting to get a healed photo. Well it being some time I can’t wait any longer. This really sweet vegan girl Scarlet Fox (hence the fox tattoo) tracked me down because she was looking for a vegan tattoo artist. I’ve been vegan for 15 years and over that time have made my own ink when a vegan option was not as available as it it now. Scarlet does not live in Atlanta so it’s been difficult to catch back up with her and get a new photo. It’s a little harder to work with someone out of town, but this worked out perfect the drawing was exactly what she was looking for. Not in every case, but having input that is different than you would normally draw can add a new dynamic to your tattoo . Scarlet was really interested in having the negative space birds in the purple clouds, something that works but I don’t just draw unless asked. I love how this tattoo came out and I love talking about vegan food while i’m tattooing. I never push my lifestyle on people, but I do like to let people know about veganism when they are open to listening. Feel free to check out this site if you have some questions, and always feel free to ask me where to get some good vegan food. Danielle

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